In a James Bond movie, released in 2015, Sam Smith involved in the making of the soundtrack. But for months no one knew about his involvement, because Sam Smith was good at hiding something.
When asked about his ability to hide something, he just reveals interesting fact about him.
As reported by Music-news " Naturally i was a good liar. Is that a bad thing? as a kid, i was good at lying, trying to get candy from my mom and dad. But I'm not proud of it " Said Sam Smith.
It is he was a child, and he is no longer a chlid who likes to lie. But now, Sam Smith became the center attention with his great talent.
At the age of 22 years, he already has a great achievement in the world of music. With the work and the golden voice, he won 4 Grammy Awards.
This time, Sam Smith is in a period of rest and preparing new material for the upcoming album.
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